Kosher Food Program

Pesach Seder-To-Go

Continuing our ongoing tradition of over 3 decades, we will be sending Passover Seders-To-Go to the hospital for patients and their families to celebrate the holiday no matter their circumstance. Pesach Seder requests open on the day following Purim.

With your support, 42 Seder dinners were delivered to local hospitals, 60 patients and their families joined the Seder at Aishel House, and more than a thousand Kosher for Passover meals were delivered and served at Aishel House in the year of 5783-2023.

Additional Passover Resources

  • For a downloadable and printable Hebrew- English Hagada, click here.
  • To sell your Chametz online, click here.
  • How to read the Hagada alone?
  • Shul Schedule for Pesach:
    Mincha 20 Minutes before Shkia, followed by maariv
    Erev Pesach Shabbos Shacharis 8:00 AM, Finish eating Chametz 11:13 AM
    Yomtov and Shabbos days of Pesach (Nissan 15,16, 21, 22)
    10 AM Shacharis
    Mincha 20 Minutes before shkia, followed by Maariv
    Chol Hamoed Times TBD